2:00 pm
Jeff Folger
Jeff Folger, known as Jeff “Foliage,” and dubbed New England’s “Arboreal Oracle,” began documenting autumn 20 years ago and searching New England for iconic images seen on postcards and calendars. His passion for fall colors has been termed “obsessive” by the editors at Yankee Magazine, but they did say “in a good way”. He has been interviewed by magazines, WGBH Boston, AM talk radio, the Weather Channel and the BBC/PBS for his passion of fall color. He was featured in a segment on CBS Sunday Morning, and taking a TV crew along the border of New Hampshire and Maine documenting his efforts to make the best photos during rainy weather. Jeff’s forecasts for the fall foliage have been better than average over the years. His website and New England Fall Foliage Facebook page are visited from all over the world to get travel recommendations. Topics discussed will include, What is CFD?, tips for taking better foliage pictures, what this fall will bring, and when to visit his favorite locations.